Why to join bus pooling?
There are many reasons to join Bus Pooling service, for example:
- Spend the daily commuting time in a useful manner (Sleeping – Reading – Working ...etc) rather than driving
- Avoid the stress of driving in Cairo’s traffic jam for long hours.
- Having near pick up & drop points makes it more flexible for the bus to change routes and escape from crowded streets.
- Save your car from fast depreciation.
- Save Car running & maintenance expenses.
- Relax during commuting to be able to make use of the rest of the day.
- Avoid using for your daily commutes.
- Choose your pick up point near your home rather than far pick up points of ordinary bus.
- Choose the bus time that suits you.
- Enjoy our added-value services.
- Use a bus with known time and reserved seat rather than using unscheduled crowded public transportation.